sâmbătă, 5 octombrie 2013

Autumn and Winter Nail Art Challenge: 8. Inspired by weather

Inspired by weather, I wished it was nice and sunny, but the reality is that is coooold. Well I decided to do some clouds and make them rain, I guess if it was raining outside it would be warmer. A timid sun can barely been seen between the clouds.

Inspirata de vreme, as fi vrut sa fie frumos si senin, dar in realitate e foarte frig. Asa ca am decis sa faci niste nori si sa fac sa ploua, banuiesc ca daca ar ploua ar fi mai cald afara. Un soare timid abia se vede pe dupa nori.
 For the base I used Ruby Rose 94, acrylics to paint and some glitter on it, Gabrini G04.

Ca baza am folosit Ruby Rose 94, am pictat cu acrilice si niste glitter pe deasupra, Gabrini G04.

 Here are the themes/Acestea sunt temele: 

How is the weather in your town?

Cum e vremea la voi?

All the best,

The girls who participated in this challenge:

1. Carla  
2. O fata simpla  
3. UnghiuteleMele  
4. Oana  
5. Gabrielle Colorful Beauty  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)