marți, 10 septembrie 2013

Facial Serum- for oily or mixed skin

I have a mixed skin type and it is hard to find the right moisturising cream, that hydrates but doesn't leave my skin oily. During the day I have a couple of creams that I might say that I am satisfied, but not entirely. My problem is with the night cream, so when Pravalia de sapun offered me a chance of testing a product of theirs, I was immediately attracted by the facial I said in a earlier post I always taught that oily products weren't for me and when  I saw that there was a product like this for mixed or oily skin, I had tot try it.

Eu am tex mixt si este greu sa gasesc crema hidratanta potrivita, care hidrateaza dar nu lasa pielea uleioasa. Pentru zi am cateva creme de care sa zicem ca sunt cat de cat multumita. Problema mea este cu cremele de noapte, asa cand Pravalia de sapun mi-a oferit sansa sa testez un produs de al ei, am fost imediat atrasa de serumul facial...cum am mai spus intr-un post pe blog, intotdeauna am crezut ca produsele uleioase nu sunt pentru mine si cand am vazut ca este un astfel de produs pentru ten mixed sau uleios, a trebuit sa il incerc.
Considering that on the site there is a perfect description of this kind of products, I am going to present it like the way it is.

Avand in vedere ca pe site este descrierea perfecta pentru genul asta de produse, am sa o prezint asa cum este.
Facial serums are the perfect replacement for the facial creams for the persons that have an intolerance to emulsifiers or preservatives in creams. Obtained from BIO vegetable oils mixes, it hydrates deeply and are absorbed quickly. There are necessary only a few drops at every use. Apply it on clean skin, eventually a little moistened, massage it untill full complete absorption. They can also be used for cleansing the skin with cotton pads. They are 100% natural and provide long term benefits.

Serurile faciale sunt inlocuitorul perfect al cremelor de fata pentru persoanele care prezinta o intoleranta la emulsifiantii sau conservantii din creme. Obtinute din amestecuri de uleiuri vegetale BIO, hidrateaza in profunzime si se absorb usor. Sunt necesare doar cateva picaturi la fiecare aplicare. Se aplica pe tenul curat, eventual umezit, masand usor pana la absorbtia completa. Pot fi folosite si pentru demachierea tenului cu ajutorul unei dischete demachiante. Sunt 100% naturale si aduc benefiicii pe termen lung.

So now let's see the ingredients/Acuma sa vedem ingredientele:

ulei de jojoba, rosa mosqueta (trandafir salbatic de Chile), caise; ulei esential pur de geraniu***

What do I think:
So the first thing you see is the recipient, you can choose from 10 ml of product and 20 ml. I have the smaller one and it is a white opaque recipient that doses the product using drops, like the ones for you eyes. I am not a fan of the recipient, because you can not see how much product you have and I do not think it is a problem with the light exposure, because the larger one is transparent. So after using it a while I can not tell you how much I used. I really like the label is cute, but I think it should contain instructions, because recently I have read on the site that you should massage it until absorption and that it can be used for cleansing you this information should be contained by the label. Also the label is made out of paper and in time it can be destroyed by water or other things.
Now to the good stuff. If you massage it as the instruction tell it get absorbed quite quickly,I use instead of a night cream so I do not worry about this aspect. Considering the fact that I have a mixed skin I thought that an oily product would not be good for me, well I can say that I didn't had any problems with it. I used it even in the summer and I woke up in the morning with a hydrated skin and I do not think it didn't caused pimple to appear, but also didn't improved these aspect... It has a quit strong smell of herbs, if you are not a fan, then I do not think it will be annoying. I like that the ingredients are natural and do not has any preservatives, the product is prepared when you order it and it has a 6 month valabillity.
  Parerea mea:
 Primul lucru pe care il vezi este recipientul, puteti alege din cel de 10 ml sau cel de 20 ml. Eu il am pe cel mai mic si e un recipient alb opac care dozeaza produsul prin picaturi, precum cele pentru ochi. Nu sunt o fana a recipientului, pentru ca nu poti vedea cat produs mai ai si nu cred ca este o problema cu expunerea la soare, deoarece cele mari sunt transparente. Asa ca dupa ce l-am utilizat un timp nu pot sa spun cat am folosit. Imi place mult eticheta e draguta, dar cred ca ar trebui sa contina instructiuni, deoarece recent am citit pe site ca ar trebui sa il masezi pana ce se absoarbe si ca poate fi folosit pe post de demachiant....asa ca aceasta informatie ar trebuie sa fie continuta de eticheta. De asemenea eticheta e facuta din hartie si in timp poate fi distrusa de apa sau altii factori. 
Si acuma partea buna. Daca o masezi cum spune la instructiuni se absoarbe destul de repede, eu o folosesc in loc de crema de noapte asa ca nu imi fac probleme cu acest aspect. Avand in vedere ca am tenul mix credeam ca nu sunt potrivite pentru mine produsele uleioase, pot sa zic ca nu am avut vreo problema cu el. L-am folosit chiar si vara si ma trezeam dimineata cu un ten hidratat si nu cred ca mi-a facut sa imi apara cosuri, dar nici nu a imbunatatit aceste aspect...Are un miros puternic de ierburi, daca nu esti un fan al lor cred ca o sa fie deranjant.Imi place ca are ingrediente naturale si nu are conservanti, produsul este preparat cand dai comanda si are o valabilitate de 6 luni.

It says that you can also use it as a mekeup remover, so let put it to the test. I used it to remove my makeup and it didn't sting at all, cleansing quite well, but being a serum it is oily.

 Spune ca poate fi folosit si ca demachiant, hai sa il punem la test. L-am folosit pentru a demachia machiajul si nu ustura deloc , iar indeparteaza destul de bine, fiind ser o sa fie putin uleios.
So I have  eyebrow kit, black eye pencil, eyeliner and waterproof mascara.

Deci am kit de sprancene, creion negru de ochi, tus lichid si mascara rezistenta la apa.
 After one swipe/ Dupa o singura trecere:
 After two swipes/ Dupa doua treceri
 After three/ Dupa trei:
In general I think it is a good product. 

In general cred ca e un produs bun.

What do you think about my review? Do you use facial serum or would you be tempted?

Ce parere aveti despre review-ul meu? Folositi seruri faciale sau sunteti tentate? 
Da va plac produsele naturale puteti da like paginii de facebook Pravalia de sapun pentru a fi la curent cu noutatile.

All the best,

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